Pot Plant Stages

PatrickPot Plant StagesLeave a Comment

Growing cannabis is fun! Good grows require commitment and constant dedication. If you are looking to quickly catch up on your pot plant stages, look no further. In the following blog, I will quickly discuss several pot plant stages for the cannabis growth cycle.

Germinating Cannabis Seeds

If you are a seed grower, then you most likely understand that germinating seeds is no walk in the park. In fact, it is a little intense; especially when each seed can cost 10 dollars or more from a reputable source. Some feminized seeds cost more depending on where you purchase. I really enjoy the germination process. The timeline is fast and delicate, but it is a lot of fun. There are a lot of ways to germinate cannabis seeds. Every grower does it a little different, but my favorite way is the paper towel method. It is super easy and works great!

Seedling Growth Stage

After your seeds have sprouted, the seedling growth stage begins. This stage usually lasts between two and three weeks or until your plants begin to veg. Seedlings do not require extensive feeding or an abundance of nutrients during this stage. In fact, I like to get my seedlings going in a premium potting soil like Fox Farm. Fox Farm has all the necessary nutrients to get my plant going so there is no need to feed your seedling until they start vegging.

If you are a new grower, I recommend growing with a premium soil. Soil acts as a buffer and is way easier and less complicated when compared to hydroponics. However, not all soils are created equally. Do not buy cheap soils. Cheap soils generally do not have enough nutrients to sustain a vigorous rate of growth. A good bag of soil purchased locally should cost at least $12 minimum for a 1.5 cu/ft bag. Here are a few high quality soil brands when shopping: Ocean Forest, Strawberry Fields, Happy Frog, Dr. Earth, and Roots Organics. All the soils I linked above are top notch and do a great job for growing cannabis. The premium soils listed above all come packed with nutrients that will feed your plant for at least a month. After that, you will need to fertilize regularly to maintain a vigorous growth rate. All of these brands can be purchased online. However, I would recommend purchasing your soil locally for best prices.

I would like to repeat what I mentioned above.. do not waste your time or money on a $5 bag of soil. Cheap bags of soil are not designed for growing cannabis. Spend the extra $10 per bag, trust me its totally worth it.

Cannabis and Birds

I would like to quickly highlight a side not for growing seedlings outdoors. Outdoor growers especially need to be careful during the seedling stage. In the past, I have lost seedlings to birds. It took me a while to realize what was happening, but these flying predators would casually land on my small, precious seedlings. Depending on the size of my plant and the bird, they could either break the meristem or eat my seedling with their sharp beaks. Be careful!

Pot Plant Early Stages

After the seedling growth stage, your plants will start the vegetative growth stage. At this point, indoor growers will need to figure out how long you want to veg your plants before switching to flower. Plants in veg require at least 18 hours of continuous daylight and a steady amount of nutrients for optimal growth. In an ideal grow environment, a cannabis plant can grow an inch or more per day! A healthy plant with a strong base will yield a lot more than a weak counterpart. If this means growing less plants, then so be it. A strong healthy plant will definitely yield more than 3 weak plants in the same area.

Young Clone Growth Stage

Young clones are fragile and require TLC. Since I always use a premium soil, I don’t have to worry about feeding my young plants until they get bigger. I also harden my young plants with the light I supply. Young clones shouldn’t be exposed to full sun right away. If you are growing outside, I recommend starting them in the shade until they get stronger. This usually takes a week or two until they are ready for full sunlight. This also applies to indoor growers. Indoor growers should raise their lights until their clones hardened off. As your plant becomes stronger, move your light closer to the canopy.

Once your young clone is hardened and taken hold of its new environment, you should start to see vigorous growth. Once you have reached this stage, you need to make sure your plant gets enough water and nutrients. You will need to maintain this combo until you are ready to flower.

Check out some of my other blogs below..

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