Pros and Cons of Miracle Grow

PatrickMiracle-GroLeave a Comment

Welcome to my “pros and cons of miracle grow” blog. In this short writing, we will summarize the pros and cons of several product offerings by miracle grow. Since Miracle-gro sells a wide variety of products, we will talk about their most popular options. We will discuss the pros and cons for their fertilizers and soils.

Miracle Grow Fertilizers

Miracle-Grow Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food

The water soluble all purpose plant food is probably one of their best all time sellers. On Amazon alone, this fertilizer has amassed more than 55 thousand reviews. A whooping 81 percent gave it 5 out of 5 stars and 12 percent gave it 4 stars.

Pros – Inexpensive, easy to use, works great and easy to find.

One half pound of this fertilizer can be bought for under $6 on amazon! You can also find it for sale at most local stores as well. Super easy to use..just add mixture to water. And finally, it works great! They also sell a 48 pack for single use. This is very convenient because you don’t have to do any measurements, instead just add one packet for every 1 gallon of water in your watering can.

Cons – Inorganic

Miracle-Gro Performance Organics All Purpose Plant Nutrition Granules

If you are looking for an organic option for your garden, look no further than their performance organics plant nutrition granules. This granules work great and break down over time.

Pros – Organic, easy to use and works great!

The performance organics is great option for those gardeners that are looking to grow organically.

Cons – More expensive vs inorganic miracle-gro. More difficult to find in stores. Plants require more time to absorb nutrients.

Miracle Grow Soils & Potting Mix

In the next section, we will discuss some of the pros and cons of Miracle Grow soils & potting mixes.

Miracle-Gro Potting Mix

First up, is the Potting Mix. This is the OG of the bunch. This potting mix has been available for years; it’s the original Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, AKA the yellow bag! Every store that sells gardening materials has it for sale.

Pros – Cheap, easy to find and works great! Already has fertilizer mixed in. PH Balanced. Slow release and great drainage.

Cons – Not organic.

Side note: Choose the Miracle-Gro Potting mix that suits your needs. They now offer several different variations depending on your grow: Moisture Control, Indoor, Cactus, Palm & Citrus, & Tropical.

Miracle-Gro Performance Organics

If you would like to grow organic, check out Miracle-Gro Performance Organics.

Pros – Organic! Works great & available at most local stores.

Cons – Expensive when compared to standard potting mix. Must reapply more fertilizer as needed.

Conclusion – Pros and Cons of Miracle Grow

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