Gringo Rasta Cal Mag

PatrickGringo Rasta Cal MagLeave a Comment

Calcium and Magnesium are essential nutrients for cell growth. Any deficiency in calcium or magnesium will result in stunted growth and a greatly diminished harvest. This is why Cal Mag fertilizers like Fox Farms Gringo Rasta Cal Mag are vital for most successful grows.


Calcium helps with cell development and cell growth. When readily available, calcium helps build strong cell walls and root walls. This helps in strengthening your plant and defending itself against pests and diseases. Most soils contain calcium to some capacity. However, soilless mediums, acidic soils and hydroponic gardens can be deficient.


Magnesium deficiencies are hard to spot because it takes at least a month for symptoms to appear. When deficiencies do appear, rust spots generally show up in older leafs. Your leafs also tend to curl and fall off. Magnesium deficient plants also look weak, sick and stunted.

When to Use Gringo Rasta Cal Mag?

Gringo Rasta Cal Mag is a great fertilizer that ensures your plants gets the calcium and magnesium it needs for a bountiful harvest. Calcium and Magnesium are essential for flowering and budding. Fox Farm recommends using Gringo Rasta a week before bud formation with continued use as needed.

  • Shake well before use
  • Mix 1 tsp (5mL) per gallon (4L) of water
  • Maintain a pH range between 5.6 and 6.8 for best results
  • Do not use more than once a week

This fertilizer helps prevent blossom end rot and tip burn! It also contains essential macro nutrients that enhances nutrient uptake.

  • OMRI Listed and Registered CDFA Organic Input Material
  • 1-0-0 NPK
  • 3% Calcium and 0.9% Magnesium

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