Cree cxb3590 Grow Light

Patrickcree cxb3590 grow light kitLeave a Comment

If you are in the market for a high end LED bulb, look no further than a Cree cxb3590 grow light. The Cree CXB series is the second generation Xlamp that replaces the CXA series. The CXB is the brightest member of the CX family and delivers up to 33 percent higher efficiency than the first generation. It also delivers up to 20 percent higher lumens than the first generation. This definitely makes it a high performer!! If that is not enough; Cree built these lights to last. In fact, they should last well beyond 60,000 hours under a wide range of operating conditions.


Cannagrow is a light manufacture that provides a Cree CXB3590 grow light. Their LED lights are great and are highly rated on Amazon. In my opinion, the price per performance is totally reasonable. Depending on the model you get, their light will set you back a little as $139 shipped! Cannagrow also has a more powerful model that cost $280 shipped. That is very fair price in my opinion; especially considering you are getting some of the best light technology on the market.

Cree CXB3590 DIY

If you are a DIY type; Cree has you covered. I love that Cree sells their LED bulbs as a standalone. This is great for any DIY enthusiasts that want to build their own lights. If you are considering building your own light, the Cree CXB3590 bulb is a great choice! There are a ton of components and options to choose from. Good luck!

Cree Dependability

Before releasing the XLamp LEDs to production, Cree puts a representative product sample set through an entire suite of pre-release qualification tests. To me, this just demonstrates that they actually care about their products and want legit results. It is obvious to me that Cree is more than just a name brand; they are an industry leader for light bulb technology and development. I really like the amount of testing Cree puts into their bulbs. I also like that all their tests are posted on their website.

Vision advisory

WARNING: Do not look at an exposed lamp in operation. Eye injury can result.


Lastly, if you have any questions please post them in the comment section. If you are interested in learning even more about growing cannabis, please check out my blog. Here are a few of my most recent posts: 

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