Spider Mites and thrips can really limit your plants ability to grow strong healthy buds. If you discover that your plants have any of these types of bugs then you must act quickly.
For Spider Mites and thrips, Neem Oil is always a go to. Neem Oil is nontoxic, biodegradable and organic.
To learn more about Neem Oil, click here!
You can also use mix water and dish soap.
- Mix 3 tablespoons of liquid dish soap with 1 gallon of water.
- Test the soap solution on a small, inconspicuous part of your plant
- Spray your plant until you thoroughly cover the tops and undersides of leaves.
One of our favorite fertilizers we use to veg our cannabis plants is 5-1-1 fish emulsion. Fish Emulsion is one of my favorites because it is organic, cheap, easy to find and works great in my cannabis garden. Fish Emulsion is a all natural formula that provides a rich source of organic matter that breaks down and releases nutrients into the soil. This enhances the strength and vigor of your plants. I only use fish emulsion when my plants are in the vegetative state.
Occasionally we use a all purpose fertilizer for our cannabis plants. We use this fertilizer right before our plants start to flower.
When our plants begin to flower, we use a Bud and Bloom Booster by Dr. Earth. We use this fertilizer throughout the entire flowering cycle. Definitely one of our favorites by far!
Bat Guano is one of our favorite super bloom fertilizers for our cannabis plants. We start using Bat Guano around week 4 of flower. When purchasing, make sure to buy a Bat Guano high in phosphorus. Avoid Bat Guano's high in nitrogen.
There are a lot of great storefronts in San Diego. We've checked out several and one of our favorites is Torrey Holistic's. They have great prices and their quality is unmatched! Best delivery service by far! Check them out @ https://www.torreyholistics.com!