What do Aphids Look Like – How to Identify and Control

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what do aphids look like

What Do Aphids Look Like?

What do aphids look like? Aphids are tiny plant sucking bugs that are nearly invisible to the naked eye. This soft bodied insect generally feeds in large groups or clusters and prefers tender new growth. There are more than 4,000 aphids species worldwide. The most common aphid colors are green, brown and grey. Many more color schemes exist depending on where you live, time of year and the type of plant they are eating.

Are Aphids Bad?

Aphids suck plant juices out of the leafs, stems and roots. This stunts your plant growth. Aphids generally attack weak and sick plants. When conditions become favorable in spring and summer months, aphid populations can multiply very quickly. Females have the ability to reproduce without mating with a male. During this time, all their offspring produced are females. An adult aphid can lay up to 100 eggs in one day. Once the offspring matures, the process repeats itself quickly. This is why aphid infestations happen over night.

Do Ants Eat Aphids?

No, ants do not eat aphids. Aphids feed on the sap of plants and secrete a honeydew substance that ants love to eat. As a result, ants tenderly look after and protect aphids from predators. Some species of ants will actually farm aphids and move them from one plant to another.

Also, if you notice ants on any of your plants, that probably means you have aphids because ants always follow the food. If ants and aphids are both present, you must also control the ants as well. Bait traps work great with ants.

Do Ladybugs Eat Aphids?

Yes! Ladybugs love to eat aphids. Adult ladybugs can eat 50 aphids a day or more and will consume over 5,000 aphids in their lifetime! Introducing ladybugs into your garden is a great way to combat aphid infestations. You can purchase 1,500 ladybugs for about $12 shipped on Amazon. This is a great organic option for gardeners.

However, ladybugs will leave the area if there isn’t enough food for them to consume. To keep more ladybugs in your garden, you can also try to install an insect habitat for your ladybugs to breed. Insect habitats require patience and take time to develop, but are great for attracting more beneficial bugs to you garden.

How to Remove Aphids from Plants

There are several ways to remove aphids from your garden. These tiny little bugs are tough, so constant persistence is crucial for success.

  • We already talked about introducing beneficials predators like ladybugs. Praying mantis also work great. Beneficial bugs are a great way to keep aphids at bay.
  • Use soapy water for aphids. This home made spray is easy to make and works great for killing aphids. However, if you would prefer purchasing a pre made soap spray, you can find them for sale at all garden retailers. Or you can make your own soap spray that is better and much cheaper. I always recommend organic, castile soaps like Dr. Broners. Mix one tablespoon with water in a small spray bottle and you are ready to go.
  • Neem oil also works great against aphids. I like it because it is safe, cheap and easy to find. Learn more about the benefits of neem oil here!

One Comment on “What do Aphids Look Like – How to Identify and Control”

  1. i smother the base of my trees with diatamaceous earth, that will kill ants before they can climb up the tree.

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