Cannabis Heat Stress Advice for Growing Marijuana in Hot Climates

PatrickCannabis, Garden, Harvest, Heat Stress, Marijuana, Mulch, Shade Cloth, Temperature

Cannabis Heat Stress

Heat Stress Advice for Cannabis

Cannabis is a strong plant that evolved naturally and grows best outdoors. It prefers temperatures between 55 and 86 degrees fahrenheit and needs as much as 5 to 7 hours of direct sunlight per day. Cannabis heat stress can be a problem in states like California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico where high temperatures can occur. Arid climates that have little rainfall and low humidity often have local plants with small leaves. In these conditions, cannabis requires on the minimum one gallon of water per day or more depending on the size of the plant. Although some varieties are heat tolerant, most cannabis strains will grow loose buds when exposed to high temperatures.

Four Easy Steps to Prevent Cannabis Heat Stress

Dry climates are generally accompanied with poor soil and wind. You must amend or add compost in a environment like this. Growing cannabis in high heat is challenging but doable. Here are a few simple steps to prevent cannabis heat stress:

  1. First of all, finding the right place for your garden is very important. Hot temperatures usually occur mid day. Before planting, find a place that receives filtered sunlight. This will keep your plants cool. It also helps if you place your garden in a natural breezeway. It is important to consider your local microclimate as well. Things like concrete, walls, terraces and balconies can hold heat and are challenging to cool.
  2. Planting cannabis in sunken beds is always a good idea. It keeps the roots cool and maintains moisture. I like to use raised beds. They are easy to build and keep soil temperatures in check. Raised beds also prevent soil compaction and provide good drainage.
  3. Higher temperatures require more water. Use mulch to prevent water loss. I like to add at least 3 inches of straw to block sunlight. This insulates your growing area and prevents your soil from drying. Wood chips work great as well!
  4. If temperatures exceed 86 degrees fahrenheit, cannabis should be placed under a shade cloth. Shade cloths can prevent foliar burn. In addition, a natural breeze way is created between the shade cloth and the plants. Shade cloths in my opinion are super important!